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  • ryanporter84

AV/IT Reliability

Updated: Aug 19, 2019

Cracking down on those flakey systems getting it right from day one by installation and configuration

Welcome to this blog where we question the reliability of the on-board systems which leads us ending up with my favorite three R’s -Research -Reviews -Ratings.

This is the case for some as they need constant attention because they are simply not reliable. Then comes along the ‘clever guy’ and says; “did you turn it off and on?”.

#2 AV/IT Reliability

The word ‘reliability’ is consistently overlooked when souring a new AV system; even if there is such a high demand for it. Cost is a leading factor, for some clients cost is irrelevant and money can be used to purchase the very best in class but there are many clients who need to be conservative with their budget. People can start with the best of intentions, needing or wanting to upgrade to a more reliable system that is until they are handed the quotation and then that vital upgrade is no longer possible or corners are cut to achieve a middle ground. Let us not confuse the issue, the most expensive system is the most reliable, the equipment needs to be designed correctly to make your AV system consolidate.But why continue to spend vast quantities of money on a system that you aren’t totally confident in and you are anticipating it to break down, don’t be that person who approves a system that doesn’t work for you, the yacht or the client. This is the case for some as they need constant attention because they are simply not reliable. Then comes along the ‘clever guy’ and says; “did you turn it off and on?”. This is the type of advice that is all to familiar advice that gives AV/IT workers a bad reputation because rebooting systems can work sometimes. When you are purchasing a completely new system you really must collect all of the three R’s -Research -Reviews -Ratings.

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